Become a Lifestyle Entrepreneur – 8 Proven Steps

become a lifestyle entrepreneur
So You Want to Become a Lifestyle Entrepreneur?

Today, over three billion unique users sign-on to the Internet 24hrs a day, seven days a week. This number is expected to SKYROCKET over the next three to seven years! The Internet affords people a hugely untapped plugged right in resource that's available 24/7.

Any Entrepreneurs getting all fired up to start-up an Internet Business, you'll want to read this! People always desire to live a successful life, but very often we find they lack the right opportunity.

People like Tai Lopez are truly successful, but for every Tai Lopez it's estimated there are 1000's of struggle-masters.

That means that 1 in 1000 actually become a lifestyle entrepreneur! Why? Because they are usually armed with struggle-master strategies!

So how do you become a lifestyle entrepreneur without losing a bunch of time and money in the process?

We'll answer that in this article! 

What is a Lifestyle Entrepreneur Anyway?

A lifestyle entrepreneur is an entrepreneur who makes their living online.

- Entrepreneur Magazine

They have the ability to work from anywhere. Complete freedom. All someone needs is a portable laptop and Internet Connection to succeed in making money from no-home! 

No commitments, they are free to work anywhere because "another day at the office," because another day at the office is typically sitting comfortably in their living room, or at the beach! 

Passive income is almost always the goal to become a lifestyle entrepreneur, but you don't always need to focus on that.  Anyone can offer services, coaching, and mentoring. The lifestyle entrepreneur even has the ability to telecommute to work thanks to Skype Messenger!

If you like the idea of this lifestyle, we've outlined proven methods to become a lifestyle entrepreneur in the 21st century!

RelatedHow to Become a Successful Internet Entrepreneur

1. Choose a wealthy target market!

Sirius Design Group is going to offer you quality advice in this article because you deserve it!

So how do we choose a wealthy market? You can be specific with niches if you want, and passion is important, but you need to be realistic.

If your target market is broke, chances are it will be more challenging.

Where selecting a niche can help, the most important thing to ask yourself is "can my target audience afford to pay me?" We've seen so many "Entrepreneurs" choose a niche only to fail because the market cannot afford their products and services.

Remember that you are building a real business and you must see an online business the same as you do a physical business.

2. Use a Simplistic Concept

The essential building block of a successful lifestyle entrepreneur's toolbox is a great looking website. Your website is always evolving and changing. The fear of change can hold people back from success.

You must always be reviewing, checking, and growing your business. The website must be simple, and without dozens of plugins and widgets operating. 

You must use a website layout that is easily understood, navigated, and can be updated in a matter of minutes!

The content must be good as well - We've said this so many times! 


A stable foundation has these key aspects:

  • Strong social media following, with a minimum Google+, LinkedIn and Instagram Accounts. 
  • Stable Slush Fund -- for slower months
  • Access to good content writers
  • Relate to your followers on a deep emotional level
3. Rinse and Repeat? Only Sometimes

Internet Entrepreneurship gives us the the ability to learn anything for free. You might see other Entrepreneurs out there and be tempted to do what exactly what they’re doing. Don't do it!


Just because others are successful, does not necessarily mean you will be successful doing exactly the same thing. Getting Rich is not about doing "things" it's about doing things in a certain way.
Maybe you dislike working with people, so why would you offer services and coaching? Maybe you like working with people, so why would you only sell products? All personalities are different and it’s your job to work that out on your own. This is the best advice for anyone wanting to become a lifestyle entrepreneur!

RelatedTricks to Start an Online Business

4. Gain Traction - Build your network.

Build a good following through integrity, emotion, social media, great customer service, networking, and good old fashioned elbow grease.

Old tactics never grow old. Even in the 21st Century! Here are some other little tricks we'll toss you to succeed!

  • Do guest recordings on all sorts of podcasts.
  • Be a guest on radio stations, and local news channels telling them you have a "unique idea to promote."
  • Build a following on Social Media
  • Write copy for the big boys. Having access to big names really matters these days!
  • Grow your email list and convert them by offering Free giveaways. 
5. Offer large value but Charge Your Worth

By giving large value through free content and free product promotion, and advice like this article you'll gain trust very quickly. Keep your news updated, knowledge fresh, and blog-roll fed to keep people interested in what you have to say.

Make your site actually worth bookmarking!

Ensure a fair but reasonable price for your services. Entrepreneurs place the highest value on their time over anything else. This makes time the most precious asset they will ever offer.

6. Study what’s working and Ramp it Up!

Great news! You've tried something new and it's working. Now what?

Well, what you do now, is analyze what's working and then spend the rest of your hours growing the revenue generating aspects of your business up.  Ramp it right up!

Focus on what’s working and commit yourself to only learning what will help your business grow.

Refuse to be a victim of information overload that's bogged down many Entrepreneurs to failure! 

Related: How to Interpret Google Analytics Data 

7. Ensure you are committed - Shut up and Show up!

If you truly want to become a Lifestyle Entrepreneur, you'll need to be seriously dedicated. Quit the talking and just do.

You'll need a lot of self-discipline. Most millionaires are awake before dawn, when the rest of the world is schlepping away in their beds.

Commitment is also in thought as well as action. You must keep your goal constantly in mind, like driving a car. There will be setbacks, maybe you'll get an account closed, maybe you'll have haters, but so what?

Do not downgrade the product merely because you haven't used it correctly. Don't childishly blame the product for your own errors like the Schoolboy who said: "This typewriter can't spell." 

So are you going to let circumstances control you, and what you choose to think? 

If the answer is yes, you haven't learned a thing!

If the answer is no, then keep reading...

Being aware of what motivates you is also important. Are you motivated by the idea of a nice country home? Or a penthouse? Write down what your dreams are, and what's truly important to you. A goal not written is just a wish.

8. Grow your brain

Every single day, you need to be learning. The key to becoming a successful lifestyle entrepreneur is learning what you need to learn, to apply what you need to apply, to become what you want to become.

What you feed your mind on a consistent basis is what you become. 

So put down that TV remote, and pick up a copy of The 4-Hour Workweek, then read "Money: Master the Game" 

Focus on your goals. Refuse to allow anyone to bog you down with their negativity!

Learn about the industry, the markets, anything! Today, thanks to the Internet, almost all valuable information is available for FREE!

So there you have it folks. No excuses now. As lifestyle entrepreneurs here at Sirius Design Group, our lives have been totally transformed right before our eyes in a matter of years.

It’s important to understand that making money online is not “get rich quick” scheme and sometimes it will take real work. But it’s worth it.

If you want to become a lifestyle entrepreneur, It can be a roller-coaster ride income-wise, but never give up - because once you get there, you'll give so much thanks you persisted.

In the end, it’s only about the FREEDOM, not the money. The ability you’ll have to live life on YOUR OWN TERMS is what really matters.

See you at the Finish Line!
Sirius Design Group

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